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Surprising Things You Probably Didn’t Know About SEO

You’re trying to build your business in every way possible this year.

Coming up with a concept and website was the easy part. You built out your website with a sleek theme and eye-catching design elements. You created a portfolio with past work and existing clients to build trust with potential new clients as well.

But you’re still having trouble gaining traction with your audience. You’re not quite getting noticed as a growing but strong business that has a great list of services to offer.

What’s missing? 

The growth of SEO goes well beyond marketing techniques. Developing a website, curating unique digital content, or making yourself searchable on social media all involve SEO strategy (which is a moving target as it is).

What else can SEO do for you and your business’ visibility? What don’t you know about SEO that everyone else seems to? Let’s figure it out.

Google Isn’t Everything

You might think that you have to submit your website or business to Google to be searchable by the general public.


You might think that doing this will make the search results for your website or business show up a little faster.

Also wrong.

Based on existing SEO within your business website and any content you’ve generated and shared, search engines can find you all on their own.
Does this mean you shouldn’t use directory tools like Google My Business?

Absolutely not.

While registering your business with Google may not directly affect rankings, the indirect benefit of having a web presence on yet another important client-facing directory is inherently beneficial in building trust with potential customers or clients and shouldn’t be ignored.

Content is Everything

One of the first misconceptions business owners have about SEO is that the focal point of utilizing SEO should be about the link or website itself.

While link building is important, it shouldn’t be your only priority.

Creating content unique to your business and services is what will get you noticed both by your clients and search engines.

What’s interesting about the services you offer? Is there something unique that is both relevant to your industry and groundbreaking and could be a great conversation piece? Do you focus on solving a problem that many other competitors don’t? Sharing your expertise on topics specific to your industry makes you the go-to thought leader, and drives traffic to your site while also building your rankings.

Create something timely and relevant, as newer publications will rank high.

Consider the ways content can be created from blog posts and link sharing to search engine keywords and social media blasts. Use that to your advantage and create something memorable.

Keywords Can Be Anywhere

You may have been told that keywords can only be used a certain number of times within your web content.

However, there’s no magic number for how many times you can use a keyword in your next blog post.

You don’t want the same word appearing in every other sentence in your content, but you don’t want to miss out on the opportunity to rank higher either. So how do you determine when to utilize a keyword?

It’s not about the number of times you use a keyword or how many keywords there might be. It’s about what draws clients into reading through the content.

Use the keyword in headings, URL, and strategically within your website and content as you build it out. The key is to use it where it makes sense and is searchable – don’t flood your pages with it, but utilize it where it counts.

Quality over Quantity Still Applies

If your website seems too busy, it might make the quality of what’s there seem less than average.

Overwhelming clients with too many pages, keyword spam, or duplication of content won’t give you the results you’re looking for.

SEO isn’t a numbers game, but rather a strategic move to develop quality material for your audience.

Think of the most innovative way to organize and share your content. Make a good first impression by not cramming everything onto your website and overwhelming people on the first click.

If you’re doing it right, they’ll dive further into the website on their own without being flooded with everything your business does. If you don’t quite have a handle on it, don’t worry. Professional web designers exist for a reason – their expertise is in building websites that are searchable, well crafted, and catered to your audience and your business.

If your website isn’t performing the way you want it to, don’t second guess reaching out to a professional web design studio – a quality website could save your business in the long run.

SEO is About People as Much as it is Search Engines

Everything you’re doing with your website, content, and SEO is to draw people in.

So devise an SEO strategy based on just that: the people.

Sure, search engines will use your website material for optimization purposes. But face it, the search engines won’t be the ones reading through your blog or scheduling a business consultation.

Engage with your potential clients when you generate new content and website material. Create something that will be interesting and relevant to the user but that is easy to navigate through as well.

When you focus on what the people will want to see, the natural flow of the website and its content will create a solid SEO base all on its own.

Still Not Sure You’ve Found the Missing Link? 

SEO can be a struggle when you’re going it solo.

Many businesses are wasting money on marketing and advertising, sending traffic to websites that don’t convert.

At KangoMedia, We design websites and digital marketing campaigns that convert website visitors into leads and paying customers so that you get a positive return on investment.

Clients that work with us often see dramatic results in the form of an increase in website leads, requests for quotes, service calls, and sales. Businesses choose to work with KangoMedia because of our focus on growing their business. We are more than a service provider, we are your partner in growth.

Give us a shout, and let’s talk about your business.

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